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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cheerful and sociable, it is never aggressive

  • Character
  • Energy available
  • Coat care
  • Relationship with children
  • Problems with other animals


Group 9




10-14 years

The King Charles Spaniel, so called because a Blenheim-type spaniel was the companion dog of King Charles I, who appreciated this small hunting dog to such an extent - according to a rumor - that he proclaimed an edict allowing access with this dog in any public place, including Parliament.After mixing with popular Pug the Cavalier King Charles got the nowadays face.
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a dog born to live alongside humans: a choice for this dog must therefore be carefully considered.Dogs belonging to this breed are full of life, well balanced and funny. They have an "explosive" character and are often looking for toys - mostly balls - to play with together with the human counterpart.They are perfect with kids, as they are full of energy and life.This breed requires to live inside the house and don't like to be left alone, or they become sad.


Active, graceful and well-proportioned, with a gentle expression


Sporty, affectionate, absolutely fearless. Cheerful, friendly, non-aggressive; has no tendency to nervousness.
  • Head - Region of the skull

    Skull: Almost flat between the ears

    Stop: modest
  • Head - Region of the muzzle

    Nose: Well developed black nostrils without flesh-colored spots.

    Muzzle: The length from the base of the stop to the tip of the nose is about 3.8 cm.
    It narrows towards the end. The muzzle is well full under the eyes. The snout which tends to be pointed is not desirable.

    Lips: Well developed but not drooping.

    Jaws - Teeth: strong jaws, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite; upper teeth closely overlapping the lower and set perpendicular to the jaws.

    Eyes: wide, dark, round but not protruding; well spaced.

    Ears: long, set high, with many fringes.
  • Neck

    of moderate length, slightly arched
  • Body

    Back: horizontal

    Loin: short

    Chest: moderate; good hooping of the ribs.
  • Tail

    Length of the tail in proportion to that of the body, well set, carried happily but never much above the level of the dorsal line.

    Tail docking was previously optional. Not more than a third was to be removed.
  • Front limbs

    moderately boned, straight.

    Shoulders: well laid back
  • Hind limbs

    moderately boned

    Knee: Well angulated

    Hocks: No tendency to cow or dog hocks.
  • Feet

    compact, well padded and with abundant hair
  • Gait

    loose and elegant, with a lot of drive from the rear.

    Front and rear move parallel when viewed from both front and back.
  • Cloak - hair

    long, silky, without curls. A slight ripple is allowed. Lots of fringes.

    It absolutely must not be groomed.
  • Cloak - color

    the recognized colors are:

    Black and Tan: jet black with markings above the eyes, on the cheeks, on the inside of the ears, on the chest and limbs and the underside of the tail. The fire color must be bright. Undesirable white spots.

    Ruby (ruby): One color intense red. Undesirable white spots.

    Blenheim: deep brown spots well separated on a pearl white background. Spots evenly divided on the head, leaving space between the ears for a much appreciated diamond-shaped spot (unique feature of the breed)

    Tricolor: black and white well distributed, divided, with markings on the eyes, cheeks, inside of the ears and legs, and on the lower part of the tail.

    Any other color or combination of colors is highly undesirable.
  • Weight

    Weight: 5.4 - 8 kg

    You want a small dog well balanced between these two weights.
  • Defects

    Any deviation from the above points should be considered a defect, and the severity with which it should be considered must be in proportion to its severity, and its effects on the health and well-being of the dog.


  • Tibetan Terrier
  • French Bulldog
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Tibetan Spaniel
  • Russian Toy
  • Chin